
Open national 34th Lahti-Suunnistus orienteering competition                                  

in Sairakkala, Hollola on July 30th and 31st, 2011

Classes: M21E, A, AL, C, M35-60A, AL, M65-80, W21E, A, AL, C, W35-75, M/W12, 13, 14, 15, 16-20, M/W8RR, M/W10RR, M/W12TR.  Keep-fit orienteering courses about 5 km and easy 3 km.
E= elite class, A= normal distance, AL=short distance, C=easy, RR= a marked-out course, TR= a marked-out course but the control points lie within a short distance from the marked route.

Restricted participation: The elite classes M21E/W21E are organized with the permission of the Finnish Orienteering Federation. The 35/25 best competitors on the basis of the Finnish ranking 1/2011 will be picked to these classes. Additionally, 5/5 Finnish and at the most 5/5 foreign competitors can be picked at discretion by the organizers and the competion controller.  All the rest will be placed in classes M/W21A. A red group will be raffled in classes M/W21E on the basis of the Finnish ranking 1/2011.

Distances: On Saturday middle distance and on Sunday long distance.
The competitors in M/W14 and in the younger classes have canonical long distance on both days.

Registration fees: E-classes 34€, M/W21-80 30€, M/W15-20 22€, M/W8-14 16€. The registration fee for one day is half the price mentioned above.

Registration: Primarily using the registration service on the website of the club or by mail using the address: Lahden Suunnistajat -37, Hiihtomajantie 98, 15950 LAHTI, Finland. The competitor’s emit card number shall be given when registrating. If the number is not mentioned, the organizers will reserve an emit card for the competitor. The emit card shall be collected from the info in the competition centre for 3€. Registrations by email at the latest on Sunday 24th July 2011 or when made by mail, the last allowed postmark from 21st July 2011. Registration fees shall be paid in pursuance of the registration on the account of  Lahden Suunnistajat at the latest at 12 pm on 24th July 2011: POP Trio (bank) 561211-2322562, IBAN FI38 5612 1120 3225 62. Unpaid competition fees can cause collection. The registrated competitors can be seen on the website at ”Lahti-Suunnistus 2011”. Class and emit changes 2€. The competitor will be charged 60€ for a lost emit card.

Late registration: with a double registration fee by email to or by phone to (03) 751 2405 (+358 3 751 2405 from abroad) at 6-8 pm on Thursday 28th July 2011. The registration fee shall be paid at the info in the competition centre before start.

Punching system: Emit-card in all the classes on both days.

Sign posts: On road number 12 about 20 km west of Lahti. Driving time to the event centre about 10 minutes.  The sign posts will be in place since 8 am on Saturday. The address of the event centre: Suontaustantie 89.

Parking:  The distance between the parking area and the competition centre is about 500 metres. A parking fee of 2€ per car is asked to be paid in the event centre each day. Check-up by the organizers when leaving the parking area. Caravans will not be allowed in the parking area.

Competition  instructions, start lists and inquiries about start time:
The competition instructions, the start list and all other information can be seen on the website of LS-37:

Start: The first starts at 11 am on Saturday and at 10 am on Sunday. The distances to the starts are 800-1500 m. The E-classes have reversed start orders with an interval start on Sunday. (The winner of Saturday is the last to start on Sunday.)

Map: A colour printer copy (A3, A4, A5) 1:10,000 06/2011, contour interval 5m. The long distance courses in classes M/W21E-M/W16 have a map of size A4 in scale 1:15,000. The maps are in a plastic cover.

Terrain: Passable firm forest land with depressions and height differences of 30-40 metres.

Accommodation: There is no lodging available in the competition centre and camping will not be allowed there.

Day care (Muksula): There is a day care area (Muksula) near the competition centre. ”Day care orienteering” available for 2€ including a prize.

Keep-fit orienteering: The keep-fit courses are at disposal for three hours from the first start on both days. The start and the finish of the keep-fit courses are situated in the same place near the competition centre. Registration at the start. A participating fee of  8€ + a rented emit-card 1€. Raffled prizes.

Restaurant: There is a restaurant in the competition centre.

Changing of clothes and shower: Changing of clothes and showers with warm water outdoors.

Prizes: The prizes will be presented according to the combined results. The three best competitors in classes M21E and W21E will be presented training support of 500€, 300€ and 100€. Each competitor in RR-classes will be presented a prize.

Competition Officials: The event manager Tapio Irri, the main course setter Juuso Lehtinen,  children’s courses Aleksi Anttolainen, the competition controller Juhani Jaskari from HU-46.

Inquiries and information: Anniina Niiranen, tel. 044 286 5745 (+358  44 286 5745 from abroad), and

Welcome! Lahden Suunnistajat -37