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Edustuksen kauden avauspalaveri

10.12.2023 klo 19:00 - 21:00

Edustuksen kauden avauspalaveri | Season opening meeting | 10.12 klo 19.00

TEAMS link

Stuff going through

  • Quick round of feelings and thoughts towards season 2024
  • Winter camps
    • Teneriffe in end of the February
    • Hungary in beginning of April
  • Most important relay camps of the season
    • 12.-14.4. Kevätleiri, Rauma
    • 31.5-2.6 Jukola 2024 leiri, Kauhava
    • 23.-25.8 Jukola 2025 leiri, Mikkeli (also good for Finnish champ of the autumn)

Let Allu know if you have some questions and hopes.



19:00 - 21:00